Dairylain Farms

Dairylain Farms

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 19, 2011

Signs of spring are in the air. Some sunshine now and then, greener grass, tulips and daffodils and babies everywhere.

The barn was completed and the girls are settling in. The older girls still like to stop at the old first stall and have to be encouraged to moo-ve forward. After they go forward, the 6th cow doesn't like to come in, it is like they can only count to 5!

Total cow numbers are at 257. Everything was approved for construction of the new free-stall barn.

We had a strange happening yesterday. 984 calved, she is a granddaughter of 352, the orginal Spotless. Anyway the trend for "spots" as you know has been heifers. However, 984 had twin bulls!

Betty has had some difficulty on the concrete this week so we have decided to let her have free range. She is everywhere. The only time she seems to create any problems, is when I feed baby calves in the box stalls. She waits until I am in the stall and then arrives and blocks the gate so it gets tricky getting out. She seems to be having a great time with her new freedom.